Tuesday, January 25, 2011

President Obama gave a good speech and was very concise as he usually is with optimism in good measure.

The speech had imposing realities, but, the President managed to address those realities with dignity.

The President focused on aspriations to provide our nation's children with promising futures in a highly competitive world where currently the USA simply is not up to the task.

The President recognizes the need for all members of the House and Senate to work together to actually accomplish the needs of the nation.

His focus on jobs and the deficit was 'spot on.'  It was obvious, although not directly stated, the key to reducing the debt is by returning good jobs wtih longevity to Americans.  In establishing a vigorous 'job economy' the national debt will come into reach.  To shrink government for the sake of shrinking government is ideological and does not provide a better path for the country.

The President stated, the 'operating infrastructure' of the federal government is laborious and redundant.  It is 'aged' and 'outdated' without recognizing the technology that exists to modernize it.  I simply thought the 'Salmon Example' was wonderful.  It almost sounds as though the federal infrastructure operates as separate nations rather than a streamlined and concise form of administration.

The deficit reduction was well addressed.  The 'idea' that improving the Affordable Health Care Act was a priority where it is needed.  I thought Secretary Sebilius was not looking her best.  I thought she looked sad, but, that might have to do with the Congresswoman.  I am sure there are members of the government that feel the distress of the Gabby's circumstances more than others.  Perhaps with her background and focus Secretary Sebilius was effected and it showed.  I would love to hear her speak on the ongoing process her department is engaged in and how it is going.  Upto today, we only get snapshots of what the Department of Health and Human Services is undergoing to institute the changes to the nation as legislated under the new law.  I think it would be helpful if she spoke at length and/or issues an 'operational' statement specifically addressing 'facts' and 'figures' in these years of transition.  It would remove some of the mystery and myth that floats around the country.  At any rate, I hope she is doing well, her job is going smoothly and she is not hounded or harassed in her responsibilities.

Secretary Gates had an ear to ear smile at the beginning of the evening.  Hillary looked good.  Secretary of Energy was his dashing self.  His department was highlighted tonight with young entrepreneurs leading innovation in alternative energies for the nation.

The mised seating was refreshing.  At some points in the speech there seemed to be a great deal of discussion going on in the house.  I didn't notice Chief Justice Roberts among the Justices and of course Scalia and Alito saw no reason to attend.  At least one of them can't contain his political activism at these events, so rather than being impeachable he decided to make money at a speaking engagement instead.  That was probably a wise career choice.

My complete impression is that I am in agreement with all if not everything the President stated on all subjects including mass transit.  It was good to hear how we weren't expanding war, but, ending it.  The soldiers are coming home with dignity except for nearly 5000 that didn't make it back home alive from Iraq.  Of course, Afghanistan is an ongoing concern.  I really believe Afghanistan is more a NATO and UN agenda item rather than a USA priority.  The trouble is more a 'regional' problem with fluid borders and odd economic dynamics.  The Taliban is a problem.  It is primarily the Taliban that remains the problem and that is a global focus, especially since they are actively seeking to disrupt entire important cities such as Punjab.

It was a good speech.

I listened to Mr. Ryan's response.  He made some deliberate 'mis-statements' such as the EPA has a Cap and Trade agenda.  That is a gross error in what the EPA is engaged in and what their authority is to even consider such hideous notions.  I wish the Republicans would not interject lies to their point of view. It was grossly out of step with bipartisan objectives. 

Rep. Bachman really was in opposition to most of what Mr. Ryan had to say and it only proves how divided the GOP sincerely has become.  There really are two parties regardless of the Bachman statements otherwise.  She almost needed Rove's White Board for all the 'structural' differences and rhetoric she engaged in.

I simply hope the House will find a way to be 'real' and 'reasonable' and keep the future of our children in mind to rebuild this country.  The national debt is a concern, but, addressing it dysfunctionally would only create more problems for our children and not less.

I believe the President did a remarkable job in addressing all the 'topics' circulating in the country with his usual concise focus and good sense of humor.  Well done.

Michelle was her usual lovely self and gracious hostess to all the guests.