Thursday, September 30, 2010

I swear Nixon should never have made the age of majority 18.

No respect for life.  

No respect for privacy.  

No respect for each other.  

And we call a society?  

I don't think so.

The USA needs to go back to being 'real people' with each other, rather than commodities available for Plutocratic election fodder.  The reason this happened at all is because of the complete rejection of the Gay Community.  

Mr. Tyler was in his new 'single' life ready to take on the challenge of launching into manhood on his own terms and his roommates made a game out of it.  What their purpose was will be their waterloo.  The family needs to file a lawsuit against not only the people that did this, but, the companies that profit off displays of this mess, including the equipment companies that provided the means to film it in the first place.  I'd never let them get away with it.

Sounds like Rutgers has a real rats nest of a problem.  This type of invasion of privacy is allowed in rooms?  No regulations regarding these devises?  Everything goes, huh? 

I am tired of hearing how 'it won't stop it anyway?'  That was George Bush's America whereby government is nothing and nobody.  If one doesn't regulate it AND enforced rules and regs, then I guess it never will be stopped.  Those Social Networking sites are nothing but trouble.  They are invasion of privacy from the beginning.  They enforce 'social order.'  This is an example. 

My deepest sympathies for the family of Tyler Clementi.  Wonderful young man and sincere loss to those that knew him and loved him.