Friday, March 27, 2009

The alliances are coming back together.

In the year 2001, the world after September 11th was a very different and united place.

Giuliani urges U.N. to adopt harsh attitude (click title to entry - thank you)
By The Michigan Daily On
October 1st, 2001
..."Recognize," Giuliani said, "that there is no room for neutrality on the issue of terrorism. You"re either with civilization or you"re with terrorism."
"The evidence of terrorism, brutality and inhumanity is lying beneath the rubble of the World Trade Center less than two miles from where we meet today," Giuliani told assembled diplomats from more that 150 countries....

A group of Afghan refugees who arrived in Pakistan last week walk in a cloud of dust yesterday after leaving a mosque where they sought refuge. WIthout any help from the United Nations thus far, they rely on the benevolence of local residents.
Paul Wong

One aspect of the Afghanistan 'mission' that is clearly overlooked is that Canada has been an interested and active party in the quality of life of the people there since 1960 when it began aid programs. We were never alone in our interest in Afghanistan.

I am grateful for Russian interest and involvement to the level they feel comfortable. Perhaps through this coopertion all the issues that confront NATO and Russia can begin to be resolved as well. I know we will succeed as the more nations coming together to resolve this 'tinderbox' the more 'consistency' there will be in arms movements and control of the region. I am actually relieved Russia is involved.

I sincerely believe we are making unprecedented improvements in global relations with Russia.

It gives me great hope that Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as Kashmir will be saved from the curelty of Taliban/ al Qaeda dictorates. I also believe Pakistan and India can begin 'again' in attempts for peace and productive economies.

Canada endorses new U.S. strategy for Afghanistan (click here)
Potential terrorist attacks in hiking Afghan troop commitment
By Sheldon Alberts and Mike Blanchfield, Canwest News Service

March 27, 2009 11:53 AM
WASHINGTON — Warning Americans that al-Qaida is "actively planning" terror attacks on the United States, President Barack Obama on Friday announced plans to send 4,000 additional troops to the war in Afghanistan while dramatically increasing U.S. spending on the war.
Detailing a sweeping new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Obama said "the situation is increasingly perilous" as the Taliban gains control over significant parts of both countries.
Canada welcomed Obama's "clarion call" to allies to do more in the troubled region as next week's NATO summit and international meeting on Afghanistan in The Hague....