Saturday, September 01, 2007

The misanthropic deeds of George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney and every Republican that has supported them...

... doesn't end there. Currently, they are attempting to override States' Rights and limit the ability of states to provide health insurance to their children. There have been roll backs, under the guise of 'cost cutting measures' to subsidized housing and every humanitarian right Americans should and could at one time have access.

The Republican Party no longer exists as a balance to the spending policies of the USA, they have become destructive and deadly while exhibiting grossly corrupt strategies against the people of the USA.

It's time to be a little misanthropic toward them and give them a taste of their own medicine. Cut the Republicans off at the knees and put an administration and legislature in DC that will return the USA to it's benevolent nature while protecting it's citizens from further terrorist agendas.

The USA needs a fresh start with fresh leadership with good ideas and the will to see them through.

Good luck. I did my part, it's time everyone else do theirs.