Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Misanthrophic Bush and Michael Brown inexcuseable official death toll 1723. The largest death toll of ANY hurricane to strike the USA.

The infrastructure damage of New Orleans was met with 'speculation of opportunity' rather than seeking to return the city to it's millions of displaced residents. Today, New Orleans is still struggling to rebuild and reorganize with very high crime rates persisting.

The events of Katrina causing catatrophic loss was completely avoidable. The USA ignored the 'real' dangers of surmounting intensity of storms due to Human Induced Global Warming. As a result all plans to refurbish the wetlands of the Gulf Coast and improve the levees of New Orleans was all but abandoned. The latest 'drill' before Katrina arrived showed the deficits of preparedness of the Gulf Coast, yet, those drills meant absolutely nothing to the federal government. People of the Ninth Ward were left to hack their way out of attics to their roofs with axes as a last resort to survive an anticipated storm such as Katrina by the residents there.
Relief efforts have reached the Lower Ninth, but, were the last to be addressed (click here). We have recently opened a new relief site in the Lower 9th Ward. We need a lot of help getting our new site off the ground.

The events of Katrina are inexcusable and anyone who thinks differently is grossly "W"rong in their estimation to the neglect and disregard practiced at the highest levels of this government under the current leadership. In order to recognize the dangers of Human Induced Global Warming one has to FIRST and FOREMOST accept the scientific information provided by competent practioners of their professions employed by the federal government to do exactly what they have been doing in preparing the USA for drastic changes in the climate to protect citizens. As the circumstances surrounding Human Induced Global Warming have become 'dire' and 'immediate' the misanthropes of the Bush administration and their crony Republicans simply placed politics with the lives that were and remain most at risk across this country, continent and globe with the USA contributing the largest carbon dioxide load on planet Earth. To look the other way is not just unconscionable, it's criminally misanthropic. God forbid, the best interests of the USA demanded 'peace' rather than illegal and irrational Neocon war, and the scaling back of a drastically dangerous fossil fuel economy.