Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Executive Order 13224 - It's just a matter of bookkeeping, you understand. It's not like Iran actually performs acts of terrorism or anything...'s for the sake of 'making things look' as bad as they can so Bush's political cronies can see a burgeoning pot of gold at the end of the Neocon Rainbow, Bush has to create a 'new state' sorta like Palestine within Israel. In Iran there is the 'Revolutionary Guard State.' It's not like Iran is a terrorist nation or anything, but, just the Revolutionary Guard's sovereign right to exist is in question.

George Walker Bush has just declared Iran a terrorist state. When a sovereign entity is declared a terrorist entity that implies the entire nation is a terrorist entity. There is no such sovereign authority called The Revolutionary Guard. He is trying to treat The Revolutionary Guard as if it's a terrorist network such as al Qaeda. Bush is a moron. He doesn't even know how to behave in international affairs, when is the USA Congress going to impeach him, he and Cheney are out of control. They did this to make every nation including Iraq; whom's PM Maliki just met with Iran's president and Afghanistan whom's President Karzai just met with the Iranian President; rework any contracts and economic agreements INCLUDING the contract Iraq's PM just negotiated with Iran to refine Iraq oil.

Bush is having a hissy fit. The Executive Order is incompetent and valueless. There is no such sovereign entity called The Revolutionary Guard, just because he says so. Bush's Executive Order is bogus. If there are ramifications for other countries such as Iraq, Russia and Afghanistan they need to go before the World Court for relief of this idiocy.

I hope everyone caught the fact this is Executive Order 13224. 13224, 13224, 13224...what are the other 13223 executive orders about. That's got to be a record, right? 13224 executive orders in six years. Like, holy smokes. Bush the Emperor.

TO KEEP PERSPECTIVE, Bush currently, according to the Federal Register has 245 executive orders during his current term. Reagan has 381 over his eight years including 5 before the inauguration of G.H.W. Bush in 1989. Bush #41 wrote 163 Executive Orders during his one term in office, so by that standard, Bush's father had more Executive ink in pardons than his son. As a rule, Democratic presidents tend to write more executive orders while in office than Republicans, but, in the larger scheme of things; the ratio of executive orders to years of recent presidential leadership goes to Republicans whom held presidential office more years than Democrats.