Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bush can blow it out his barracks bag. By making Iranian military units terrorists it moves the Bush/Cheney agenda closer to confronting Russia

It is high time President Hamid Karzai puts Bush in his place. Someone has to and the leaders of the region have to bring about peace for their people the way their people need it and understand it. That is the reason Iraq and Afghanistan has sustained chaos for so long.

Behind Iran is Russia. Russia will not fight a war at it's borders. If Bush declares any aspect of the Iranian military as terrorists he does it to confront the 'right' to war with Iran and hence drag Russia into a global confrontation.

In the year 2007, the global concern should be defeating terrorist networks and not making terrorists out of sovereign authorities. If Iran is in Iraq it's to save the lives of the people currently suffering due to USA occupation.

President Karzai is finally confronting the regions instability and reality rather than being 'obedient.' The region needs a leader and I am glad to see the Afghan President take his rightful place.

Karzai: Afghanistan, Pakistan Must Work Together (click here)

Iranian president denies supporting Taliban (click here)

Iran, Afghanistan sign new deals (click here)