Saturday, June 25, 2005

Rove's Remarks

This is nothing more than an inflammatory event to CONVERT the nation to 'one mind' and supposedly trying to ostracize 'liberals' from ANY Mainstream Political Party.

No one in the Repuglican Party could get away with saying these horrible things except Karl Rove. No one will criticize a failing White House to try at any cost including the pandering, jailable media to 'redirect' a national conversation to further victimize the people of academia, people who would see children have rights of privacy rather than viewed as a national pentagon register, people who see Global Warming and Climate Change as an eminent directive, a national emergency.

This is horrible use of the media to promote hatred of people who believe in peace.

Rove's remarks

June 25, 2005

Liberals woke up yesterday morning wondering what happened to their Democratic Party. Literally overnight, the Democrats had become the President's staunchest supporters in the war on terror. As much as we welcome the party's change of heart, we were surprised to see that it was precipitated by the architect himself, Karl Rove. The White House Deputy Chief of Staff, speaking at a dinner Wednesday night of the New York State Conservative Party, had a few words on "state of liberalism." In particular, Mr. Rove compared the conservative reaction to September 11 to the liberal reaction. "Conservatives saw the attacks and prepared for war," he said. "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Pretty much sums up the last four years for us. Michael Moore, George Soros and would certainly agree.