Saturday, June 25, 2005

Who is the Enemy?

Who is the Enemy?

The USA has enemies outside it’s borders as well as within and it does not need political parties who see the people of this country as a commodity, ‘voters’ rather than those they serve.

The enemies of the USA have finite definition and they are primarily the terrorist networks of the world. Those terrorists seek any avenue that will bring the USA or any other major nation of the world to it’s knees.

What do I mean, to it’s knees?



Psychologically depleted due to internal strife and fear through the very ‘idea’ of loss of safety in day to day life.

Due to the priorities of the Bush/Cheney White House these directives have been achieved by one terrorist attack on the USA orchestrated on September 11, 2001. The Political Machine of the Repuglicans saw the opportunity to ‘rise’ to the occasion and has made the trauma of September 11th the center of everything they do. They have attempted to demoralize this country by moralizing in a manner that has become so obviously political and not religious they are becoming laughable at every turn. The most dramatic example is ‘Terri’s Law’ which served no purpose except as a ‘hot topic’ political issue to their ‘base’ constituency.

The current administration has completely depleted the Treasury surplus, sent the USA into insoluble debt while lavishing images of grandeur by changing the face of USA dollar bills impregnated with gold. They have proposed incredible changes to USA entitlements without first returning the Treasury to a balance whereby the people of this nation can once again enjoy the surplus Bush took away. Bush has replaced Patriotism with greed and rewards anyone who sees it the same way.

The USA has realized a doubling of it’s military budget while it is ‘strapped’ for methods to deal with it’s correct place in Iraq. A doubled budget which defies Non-Proliferation with Don Rumsfeld planning for Nuclear Research while the multi-billion dollar MDS has failed miserably. The USA is so weak militarily due to the quagmire in Iraq that it has pulled troops from South Korea for the first time in fifty years. The USA military still serves in places around the world but are not respected in countries like Indonesia where they are made to take a back seat to pursuits of terrorist networks because of atrocities as realized in Abu Ghraib following the fact the USA disregarded the UN Security Council and the USA Legislative Branches when it entered into an illegal invasion into Iraq.

The weakened nation we now are is a direct result of political greed with an unresponsive economy built on the false promise of ‘real estate’ wealth rather that expanded expertise in the nation’s ‘Brain Trust.’ Bush/Cheney has sought to weaken the economic resolve of this country to force unemployed and underemployed into the military to serve their false agenda of hope through global democracy. At a time when technologies should be growing through the roof of every major economic venue the USA has regressed into deeper and deeper understandings of religious fundamentalism rather than reaching for the ‘Capitalistic’ Brass Ring in genetic research, space exploration, new venues of energy and transportation while new breeds of crops can be found to grow with less water and still have higher yields. At one time the USA fed the world and now our harvests sit in fields waiting for Climate Change events to pass long enough for the soil to dry and support the weight of combines and grain trucks. At a time, when we could be realizing economic growth in making our country safe we are being promised more border guards sometime in 2006 if we are lucky.

In Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden is still at large, the poppy culture is still flourishing to the point Russia is identifying it as a national security issue and we may see Russia move into that still unstable nation after four years of USA influence.

In Iraq, due to the USA’s inability to secure the people’s safety and loyalty mostly because those same people know first hand the problems of Iraq while it takes months and only when media companies like CBS turn on the government to expose the ‘w’rongs of Iraq do we know the truth. The people are unprotected by our military and have formed ethnic militias to protect their hamlets. Those militias have come to be known as benevolent to the people of Iraq and approval of the Iraq Central Government has come as a surprise but a correct one. The USA Coalition has been unsuccessful in developing an Iraqis Military and Police so the people have solved their own problems. The USA military is now running into problems with these militias as demonstrated by confrontation of the Fallujah militia left record numbers of USA women soldiers dead and injured. There is no place for the USA in Iraq anymore as their raids are actually upon government sanctioned militias the people approve of. By running raids on innocent civilians the USA is causing insurgency and not eliminating it.

The USA has exposed itself to a Evangelical Bigot in the White House who would seek to ‘sell’ democracy to countries globally with nothing to offer in the way of economic assistance. Bush and Rice have become the Bully Pulpit for democracy seeking unrest in any country with an oil pipeline such as Georgia.

The people of this country should no longer flounder in any confusion as to whether they are patriotic. To oppose a false agenda of hope through nationalism is wrong and they need to realize putting America First rather than Iraq is the patriotic nature of who we have become under leadership who would seek to make us weak and impoverished.

Enjoy the Fourth of July. Be Patriotic. Oppose Nationalism. Bring the troops home.