Friday, September 20, 2024

Russia does not recognize PRIVATE interests in science and uses every bit of knowledge it obtains to enhance war.

18 September 2024
By Elizabeth Gibney

Europe’s particle-physics laboratory (click here) CERN will expel hundreds of scientists who are affiliated with Russian institutions on 30 November unless they move to establishments outside of the nation. The date marks the official end of the lab’s collaboration with the Russian Federation, following CERN’s decision to cut ties with the country after its 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

But tension over CERN’s relationship with Russia remains among researchers, because the organization will continue to work with Russia-based scientists through an agreement with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) (click here), an intergovernmental centre in Dubna (click here), near Moscow. JINR’s arrangement with CERN is separate from Russia’s. The decision to not cut ties with the lab has divided researchers, some of whom point to its relationship with the Russian state, which continues its deadly war in Ukraine....

Russia needs to replace Czar Putin. The question is will the Russian affiliated scientists defect to the Free World for the sake of their craft and if so are they trustworthy? I remind there have been deaths as well as survived poisonings of Novichok. The decisions by these scientists and any continued contact with Russia is important to understand and reconcile. Is the science sound without Russia and it's scientists?

Dubnium (click here) is named after this unique city that is dedicated to science and the young scientist. These collaborations have been some of the most incredible cultural enrichment of people to benefit a path of peace and prosperity. It is difficult to simply say, "Good bye to colleagues."