Saturday, September 07, 2024

Miscommunications and State Legislators that never cared.

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People with homicidal and suicidal ideation are very disturbed people that need to be taken seriously. Conversations that contain such aspirations as death MUST be acted on.

The households with such members, related or not, MUST be cleared of weapons, especially weapons of war, as soon as these conversations take place. In reflecting on the Sandy Hook murders, the mother was slain before others were. Would the mother of that shooter have made the same call to Sandy Hook Elementary School before the massacre? We will never know.

These issues at a societal level are not understood by the public. This type of violence needs to be part of a parent’s orientation before the child(ren) begin classes with mandatory attendance to facilitate enrollment the day classes begin. 

“Go, run, tell,” needs to be taught to all students the first day of school to include any discussions of violence and/or bulling and/or jealousy within the learning environment including playground. Learning has to become a team event where all students are considered important learners. 

It has been my experience as a substitute teacher that from the earliest grades under achievers want to learn but simply aren’t. They need one on one contact to help bring them up to speed and provide focus to the importance of learning and homework. 

Underachievers have parents who are hurt by poor grades, too.  Bring them on board with meetings as often as necessary to work out all the hurdles.

The wonderful folks that answer phones at schools needs emergency dispatcher training.

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