Friday, September 20, 2024

Russia does not recognize PRIVATE interests in science and uses every bit of knowledge it obtains to enhance war.

18 September 2024
By Elizabeth Gibney

Europe’s particle-physics laboratory (click here) CERN will expel hundreds of scientists who are affiliated with Russian institutions on 30 November unless they move to establishments outside of the nation. The date marks the official end of the lab’s collaboration with the Russian Federation, following CERN’s decision to cut ties with the country after its 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

But tension over CERN’s relationship with Russia remains among researchers, because the organization will continue to work with Russia-based scientists through an agreement with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) (click here), an intergovernmental centre in Dubna (click here), near Moscow. JINR’s arrangement with CERN is separate from Russia’s. The decision to not cut ties with the lab has divided researchers, some of whom point to its relationship with the Russian state, which continues its deadly war in Ukraine....

Russia needs to replace Czar Putin. The question is will the Russian affiliated scientists defect to the Free World for the sake of their craft and if so are they trustworthy? I remind there have been deaths as well as survived poisonings of Novichok. The decisions by these scientists and any continued contact with Russia is important to understand and reconcile. Is the science sound without Russia and it's scientists?

Dubnium (click here) is named after this unique city that is dedicated to science and the young scientist. These collaborations have been some of the most incredible cultural enrichment of people to benefit a path of peace and prosperity. It is difficult to simply say, "Good bye to colleagues."

It is most probably an algorithm.

I find it difficult to believe without forensic proof that the pagers were exploded by something like a plastic explosive (click here). Stuxnet was an Israeli algorithm that worked without detection until there was an investigation. I believe that is what occurred in Lebanon. It probably isn't Stuxnet, but, yet another brilliant invention by the Israeli Mossad. 

November 3, 2014

In January 2010, (click here) inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency visiting the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in Iran noticed that centrifuges used to enrich uranium gas were failing at an unprecedented rate. The cause was a complete mystery—apparently as much to the Iranian technicians replacing the centrifuges as to the inspectors observing them.

Five months later a seemingly unrelated event occurred. A computer security firm in Belarus was called in to troubleshoot a series of computers in Iran that were crashing and rebooting repeatedly. Again, the cause of the problem was a mystery. That is, until the researchers found a handful of malicious files on one of the systems and discovered the world's first digital weapon.

Stuxnet, as it came to be known, was unlike any other virus or worm that came before. Rather than simply hijacking targeted computers or stealing information from them, it escaped the digital realm to wreak physical destruction on equipment the computers controlled....

It wasn't just one device. Different manufacturers. Now, I am to believe there was a global conspiracy against Hezbollah. There wasn't. The USA would have known ahead of the attack and it didn't. So, according to the fantasy war profile today the pagers and walkie talkies were interrupted in their shipments and diverted to Israel to install an explosive. Really?

September 19, 2024
By Claire Parker, Mohamad El Chamaa, Lior Soroka and Shira Rubin

...Still, the operation marked an embarrassing breach of the group’s supply chain, and the explosions also injured the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon....

...Images from the scenes of the explosions (click here) also showed walkie-talkies bearing the name of Icom, a Japanese manufacturer of radio equipment, which said the model in question had been discontinued about a decade ago. “We cannot confirm whether the product was shipped from our company or not,” Icom said in a statement Thursday....

This accounting by Franco seems to be a perfect storm. There had to be a lot to go perfectly if the mission was to be successful. It would have had a long time frame that would expose the operation to discovery (exposure of it's operation). 

...Franco said the operation targeting communications devices was probably made up of several parts: “Studying Hezbollah’s entire supply chain; then making it so that Nasrallah was convinced that the group’s communications systems needed to be swapped out; then, third, ensuring that Hezbollah buys — from all the other alternatives — the beepers from the operating supplier.”...

September 17, 2024
By Gerrit De Vynck
Sammy Westfall
Elizabeth Dwoskin
Niha Masih

...On Wednesday, (click here) a second round of explosions killed 20 and injured at least 450. This attack appeared to impact a broader range of electronic devices, including radios and fingerprint analysis devices.

Israel uses sophisticated cyberespionage methods to spy on and track members of the militant groups it opposes, including Hamas and Hezbollah. It has also built a far-ranging surveillance system using facial recognition to monitor Palestinians in the West Bank....

...But the scale of such an attack, targeting thousands of Hezbollah members at once by use of their own devices, is unprecedented....

...“The scale suggests a complex supply-chain attack, rather than a scenario in which devices were intercepted and modified in transit.”...

...Lithium batteries that overheat can reach 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, Meier said. Devices are generally designed to vent this heat, but if they don’t, “the battery can and will explode,” he said.

Some batteries rely on the devices’ own software to regulate their use and temperature, so it is theoretically possible to hack into a pager and trigger its battery to heat to the point that it explodes, Meier said....

Occam's Razor dictates that simplicity is the answer to problems that continue to build in theoretical complexity. As far as I am concerned, Israel owns the cyber world globally if it can harness a devices software to carry out killings.

As far as the propriety of Israel's actions:

A rebel-controlled (click here) area of Douma, east of Damascus. Syria’s civil war has stretched on because of its role as a proxy fight among other powers.

People die in war. War is not clean. If one looks at Russia's wars in the Middle East they are brutal, inhumane, and completely devastating. Russia's war in Syria looks exactly like Israel's war into Gaza. There is no difference. 

May 27, 2022
By Beth Morrison

...Given that the laws of war (click here) are intended to protect those who are not participating in hostilities during times of armed conflict, it may come as a surprise that civilians can still be lawfully killed in war. To be clear, the deliberate targeting of civilians is a war crime, nevertheless, in certain situations, the foreseen, but incidental killing of civilians is permissible in war. This article will lay out some of the responsibilities that combatants and fighters have towards civilians under the body of international law that regulates warfare: International Humanitarian Law (IHL)....

Ideally, Israel should have formed a coalition of countries it calls allies and carried out plans by such an alliance to round up Hamas members and other such terrorists in Gaza. The operation would look similar to the urban warfare the USA carried out in Iraq. This was Israel's call and it formed it's own war cabinet.

The people of Israel are up in arms about the conflict, hostages, and now the evacuation of northern Israel while it battles with Hezbollah at the border with Lebanon. The civilians of northern Israel want to go home. They want the fighting to stop.

Nasrallah is correct. There was an internal attack against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization. Nasrallah has stated the killings were an act of war. In comparison, the USA had terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The USA acted to take down those networks and improve national security of a sovereign country. While Nasrallah is correct in stating the attacks within Lebanon is an act of war, it is not an act of war against Lebanon, it is against Hezbollah. Do the attacks of September 11th compare in the absolute right for retaliation by Hezbollah? Hezbollah is not a sovereign power and it would be wrong for Lebanon to take actions against Israel as the targets were obviously terrorists. The attacks also created carnage of civilians in the area of the dead terrorist. While Nasrallah is correct in that it is an act of war, it is not an act of war against a sovereign country. 

The Middle East is a very complex place. It always has been. The Free World has for decades tried to understand the intricacies of the HATE that exists between peoples in the region. There has been no easy answer and the peace processes only accomplish some degree of civil societies, but, they have in the past failed royally to give way to the dominance of terrorist networks. These networks grew into political parties, but, they never stopped their hatred or violence.

This entire situation with Israel is complex beyond any imagination to bring about peace. The people of Israel do not appear to be living in a democracy anymore, so much as a wartime sovereignty. Basically, a police state.

The USA State Department has a  difficult task. They have to understand an ally that is Israel while attempting to end the hate, bring about peace accords, and minimize the deaths of innocent people. It is an impossible task and it is not getting easier.

All I know is that Israel's Mossad are pure geniuses that currently own the world of cyber. I am getting rid of wireless in my life at every turn. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Reflexive Control by Russia aimed to confuse the Free World.

(image click here)

See the Ukrainians and the post Soviet States are aware of aspects of Russia the USA and NATO may not accept. These folks know who they are. They stand the wall between what was once a horrible life for their people. They don't want it back. The Free World should take their scholars seriously to add to the intelligence dialogue that increases excellence.

September 18, 2024
By Maria Snegovaya

Russia (click here) has been using an advanced form of hybrid warfare in Ukraine since early 2014 that relies heavily on an element of information warfare that the Russians call “reflexive control.” Reflexive control causes a stronger adversary voluntarily to choose the actions most advantageous to Russian objectives by shaping the adversary’s perceptions of the situation decisively. Moscow has used this technique skillfully to persuade the U.S. and its European allies to remain largely passive in the face of Russia’s efforts to disrupt and dismantle Ukraine through military and non-military means. The West must become alert to the use of reflexive control techniques and find ways to counter them if it is to succeed in an era of hybrid war....

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I don’t buy it.

(Click here)

I do not believe Taiwan was some kind of covert operation to end specific lives. I think phone numbers were targeted and the lithium batteries were made to over heat. If it is that easy to weaponize lithium batteries, I don’t need a personal phone and I am going to be very happy with landlines.

I was just getting ready to redo the electronics in my life. I am doing away with wireless. I don't know what I will find to begin again, but, it will be interesting. I hope RoadRunner is still out there. I won't be carrying a phone or using it at home. That is a huge inconvenience. I hope I start to see more pay telephones again. Maybe they can use card swipes instead of cash so they aren't destroyed and robbed.

I mean every word.

If Trump were ever to get his hands on this technology he would use it everyday of his life. Netanyahu would provide it as an inauguration gift. Every autocrat in the world is going to be mimicking this technology. Every coder out there, especially terrorists, will be mimicking this technology. Israel did not do the world a favor on this one.

...Internationally accepted (click here) rules of armed conflict emerged from the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which have been ratified by all United Nations member states and supplemented by rulings at international war crimes tribunals.

Treaties govern the treatment of civilians, soldiers and prisoners of war in a system collectively known as the "Law of Armed Conflict" or "International Humanitarian Law". It applies to government forces and organised, non-state armed groups, which would include Hamas militants....

I have understood a lot of the aggression shown by Israel in response to the attacks on innocent civilians nearly a year ago, but, I think this is getting a little heinous. Netanyahu will not stop. Masood has to review the Geneva Convention.

The problem in all this and why Israel is somewhat tolerated for it's aggression is because Hamas doesn't play by the rules. Most terrorist networks don't. So, the argument is how can a sovereign military adhere to international law if it is assaulted by entities that do not.

Israel needs to consider it's aggression and readdressing the strategy it is currently adhering to considering many of the leaders of these organized crime terrorist groups are being eliminated. I realize where one leader is eliminated there stands many more to take their place in most cases. But, this cannot go on forever. There needs to be a peace treaty and not just cease fire.

September 18, 2024
By Laila Bassam and Maya Gebeily

Hand-held radios (click here) used by Hezbollah detonated on Wednesday across Lebanon's south and in Beirut suburbs, further stoking tensions with Israel a day after similar explosions launched via the group's pagers.
Lebanon's health ministry said the initial casualty toll was one person killed and more than 100 injured. Earlier the state news agency said three people had died.
At least one of the blasts took place near a funeral organised by Iran-backed Hezbollah for those killed the previous day when thousands of pagers used by the group exploded across the country and wounded many of its fighters....

Below is the exploded device which shows no remaining battery. There are several pictures online and they look basically the same.

New Taipei, Taiwan
Sept 18, 2024
By Ben Blanchard 

The model of pagers (click here) used in detonations in Lebanon were made by Budapest-based BAC Consulting, Taiwanese pager firm Gold Apollo said on Wednesday, adding it had only licensed out its brand to the company and was not involved in the production of the devices.

At least nine people were killed and nearly 3,000 wounded when pagers used by Hezbollah members detonated simultaneously across Lebanon on Tuesday. According to a senior Lebanese security source and another source, explosives inside the devices were planted by Israel's Mossad spy agency.

9:58 AM · Sep 18, 2024 (click here)

The Hungarian government’s position on the "pager issue": authorities have confirmed that the company in question is a trading intermediary, with no manufacturing or operational site in Hungary. It has one manager registered at its declared address, and the referenced devices have never been in Hungary.

During further investigations, Hungarian national security services are cooperating with all relevant international partner agencies and organizations.

To Hungary, this case poses no national security risk.

This is fracking.

(Click here)

Midland is West Texas, the fracking capital of the world. When fracking dissolves land, including waste water wells, Earth will continually split and rattle until the land is unlivable as in Oklahoma.

Monday, September 16, 2024

One of the reasons…

…why the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is important is the regular reporting of the condition of women in a society, in this case, Canada.

(Click here)

The regular reporting from Canada was found to contain concerning statistics about women and medically assisted suicide. 

It is due to this reporting that the Canadian legislature will now seek an understanding about medically assisted suicide. I do not recall any such reporting of that dynamic coming out of the U.S.A..

It is time USA women put their own interests first and elect the first woman president ever. 

So, what is the issue besides attempting to raise a sympathetic vote for “The Don?”

(Click here)

The Secret Service did their job and did it well. Since the time of JFK they haven’t been mind readers and there are plenty of Americans that wish they could. Ronald Reagan was the focus of a mad man, too, but the best these great patriots can do is see the attack as it occurs and throw their bodies in front of the bullets. 

Sure there are preparations that are carried out, but, when it comes down to it there is only one thing the Secret Service can do and that is to act to stop the bullet. I mean Abe Lincoln never had a chance because there existed no bodyguards.

The Secret Service isn’t doing anything wrong and it appears a lot right not once but twice.

Trump made his own hell. Or as my mother would say, “You made your own bed, now lie in it.”

I thank the Secret Service for their continued dedication and bravery. 

I believe President Biden has already addressed the events of the day and ending the threat of political violence.  There really isn’t much else to say except if the right political wing wants greater protections like a Pope Mobile, threatening a government shut down is not the best idea.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Convention…

(click here)

(Senate Document-click here)

…on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (click here).

This is a United Nations convention that originated in 1979 has never been

ratified in the USA. It is believed grassroots Republican organizers work to victimize women and take away their civil and human rights. 

The signatures over the decades were freely elected USA Presidents (click here).

In the year 2024 it is time for American women to elect a woman friendly federal legislature so major women’s movements can become part of their lives.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Best dressed at MTV awards.

At least he likes cloth. Very handsome. Like it.


There are laws.

(Click here)

Frequently, the MAGA party has a leadership that is nothing but bizarre. When events are bizarre there is something wrong. 

The United States of America is a good, decent, moral country that cares about all citizens and their pets, too. There is nothing to make great again. We already are great. Do you know how many countries don’t have these laws (click here)?

Kamala won the presidential debate.

Kamala edged out Trump in every topic. She was truthful with a focus on the people. She had her facts right with excellent policies.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fracking is highly destructive to land.

(Click here) The people of Pennsylvania are learning how destructive fracking is to the land.

(Click here)

The petroleum industry is selective with information about their practices. Unfortunately, it takes experiencing the instability of the land for citizens to begin to realize what is happening.

Understanding the the destructive forces of hydraulic fracturing it includes waste water injection (click here). 

NATO is still investigating in international security.

(Click here)

The Keystone Pipeline CL is dead forever.

(Click here)

(Click here)

You’re fired.


Implored and implores his followers “fight, fight, fight)

(Click here)

(Click here)

Trump is lying.

(Click here)

(Click here)

(Click here)

Kamala’s Dad

(Click here)

Tariff’s translate into tax on the consumer.

(Click here)

Monday, September 09, 2024

Institutionalized Voter Fraud

Ever wonder why a voter has to sign and date the OUTSIDE of the envelope on a mail-in ballot?

Recently a USA court ordered discarded ballots to be counted because of unintentional errors by the voter that mailed in the ballot.

There really is no reason for duplicity in signing a ballot or dating it either. Putting a signature on the outside envelope is actually a personal security issue, but, it is done anyway because it is ANOTHER opportunity to CREATE errors to discard mail-in ballots.

It is a bizarre demand to sign and date the outside of the envelope. Because the request is so rare voters don’t expect the voting requirements. In the past mail-in ballots were discarded which may have affected elections. It seems imprudent to me to redress the past by demanding recounts based on discarded ballots, but, going forward it is an important understanding about what mail-in ballots should look like to FACILITATE participation and true outcomes.

So, the idea in promoting effective visual, as well as handicap, cues to balloting seems important enough for a USA court to demand discarded ballots to be part of the election outcome. Each state might want to have competitions of citizens’ designs to come up with a ballot that attracts attention rather than disregarded. 

NO Artificial Intelligence DESIGN PERMITTED!!!!!!!!!

(Click here)

Sunday, September 08, 2024

How ridiculous is this?

(Click here)

In order to change a CONSTITUTIONAL amendment it nearly has to be repealed. It isn’t as though both sides of the aisle don’t covet the idea of amendment repeal (click here).

Repealing the 2nd amendment makes sense and may even be ratified someday. But, a Vice President while elected on a political ticket is chosen by the Presidential candidate. What, besides insurrection and over throwing the Constitution, what rationale is there to change the 25th amendment (click here) to have an autocratic president remove their own choice?

While such a dialogue is extremist politics, it is a hideous idea that defies logic. Trump is just laughable on a regular basis in some of his bizarre nonsense he spews.

When, if ever, will Trump be capable of coherent, logical thought?

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Miscommunications and State Legislators that never cared.

(Click here)

People with homicidal and suicidal ideation are very disturbed people that need to be taken seriously. Conversations that contain such aspirations as death MUST be acted on.

The households with such members, related or not, MUST be cleared of weapons, especially weapons of war, as soon as these conversations take place. In reflecting on the Sandy Hook murders, the mother was slain before others were. Would the mother of that shooter have made the same call to Sandy Hook Elementary School before the massacre? We will never know.

These issues at a societal level are not understood by the public. This type of violence needs to be part of a parent’s orientation before the child(ren) begin classes with mandatory attendance to facilitate enrollment the day classes begin. 

“Go, run, tell,” needs to be taught to all students the first day of school to include any discussions of violence and/or bulling and/or jealousy within the learning environment including playground. Learning has to become a team event where all students are considered important learners. 

It has been my experience as a substitute teacher that from the earliest grades under achievers want to learn but simply aren’t. They need one on one contact to help bring them up to speed and provide focus to the importance of learning and homework. 

Underachievers have parents who are hurt by poor grades, too.  Bring them on board with meetings as often as necessary to work out all the hurdles.

The wonderful folks that answer phones at schools needs emergency dispatcher training.

(Click here)

Paralympic Gold

Two of the most exciting games I have seen were the “Women’s Sitting Volleyball” and “Men’s Wheelchair Basketball” with both competitions resulting in USA Olympic Gold.

The Paralympians in both competitions were amazing. The opposing teams in Great Britain and China were incredibly skilled as well. They were very tight scores right up to the final minute which made for very exciting games.

Congratulations to all Paralympians, the competition is inspiring. Congrats to all those that supported these world class athletes.

Thursday, September 05, 2024


End the violence and hate.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Poor Example as Governor

(Click here)

Being a bully is fashionable. 

(Click here)

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

What really happened at the USA southern border…

…was Republican politics to instill fear of “the other.” Not that there isn’t a mass immigration problem, but, it is global. Often it is because of climate, sometimes war, but, Venezuela is a primary example of an out of control authoritarian government that citizens fear.

Was the current administration doing nothing? Not hardly. The Democrats have recognized the immigration crisis for a long time and were trying to pass a huge paradigm shift in the law.

(Click here)

When the Republicans sabotaged this bill in the USA Senate to continue fear mongering politics, President Biden took the essence of the bill and wrote a presidential order.

(Click here

The date on this information release regarding the presidential order is July 16th, shortly after May 24, 2024 ( click here) when the bill was defeated in the Senate.

So, the truth be known the Republican political policy of “fear of the other” is what has been happening at the USA border. Nothing else. The current administration was expecting the bill to pass to achieve what President Biden has accomplished in only a few months. 

The American people have no one to blame for any of their concerns at any USA border except Trump and his congressional minions and their strategy of using fear as a political tool.

Monday, September 02, 2024

NASA does it better.

(Click here)

Quite frankly with Musk sidling up to China he is a national security risk. 

The privatized space program is a waste of money. I have to wonder about the militarized Space Force. What is the Space Force doing that is unique beside chasing down UFO myths that fuel tabloid news? I suppose NASA Director Bill Nelson and the Joint Chiefs need to report their facts and opinions to Congress to get these expensive programs under control.

The asteroid intercept program is certainly worth its weight in gold and could be considered a national security dynamic and assigned to the Space Force. But, the ever growing number of federal agencies assigned to the word “space” somewhere in their title or purpose has to be reviewed for it’s worthiness, costs, and trajectory into the future on all costs of purpose, realistic outcomes, and national importance.

The exoplanet exploration services are certainly a national interest that contains costs and has noble purpose. But, other programs need to be reviewed. The moon exploration programs aren’t realistic. Mars is a far better venture than any damage to our moon. Mining Mars is a more realistic program than damaging Earth’s largest satellite.

It is time to review how and why we are spending money on space. National security for NASA still has to be the first priority. The UN and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty should be a concern included with any NASA national security focus.

To be honest, Russia has always sought to out nuclear the Free World. Every time I read about the latest Russian nuke device I think, “Oh, another one.” 

Russia has by far constructed enormous bombs that dwarf any our alliance has created. But, such ventures by Russia were more about its own leaders’ insecurity than any worthwhile weapon. Russia’s doomsday weapons are only going to backfire and destroy what Russia’s leaders state they are trying to protect.

Someday, Russia and the other four permanent nuclear nations will summit to bring about a realistic view of the world and the future of beloved children. No Free World country wants to worry about Russian borders. It is virtually impossible to secure a country that size. Russia needs to grow up. The communism that exists in Russia and China is barely a century old and they actually think they know how to effectively govern.

This sort of summit should be easy to bring together as the copy cat communists always think they are going to learn something that will demise the Free World.

By the way, Happy Labor Day. Russia far from has the corner on celebrating a labor movement.

But, USA space interests must include safety of Earth and the future of returning and protecting climate.

This really bothers me.

(Click here)

I had a very dear friend die two years after her spouse from second hand smoke. Evelyn was retired and wrote a small column every week on education in the local paper. She had a Masters in education. She wrote about parents, children, teachers, and their relationship with school. But, she was of the generation that never thought twice about cigarette smoking. Her greatest worry was cleaning the living room drapes when they retained the odor.

This is a dangerous work environment and the staff needs to consider going out on strike over poor working conditions.

When they strike carry signs of the people that died do to second hand smoke while marching in the picket lines ne.

 Lung cancer.

The judge made a very glib decision. This is where the people make their living. They should be safe at work.

(Click here)