Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jon Tester for Montana

Has he ever been anyone else besides a farmer and the best man to represent Montana in the U.S. Senate?

(Click here)

Look, I have been reading about his opponent for this race and he’s from Minnesota. He has a business in Montana so I guess he spends enough time to qualify as a candidate, but, I have a problem with his good friend. Sorry, but, the friendship sounds like corruption to me.

Senator Tester is too much of a gentleman to even bring it up, but, I don’t have a problem with that because I am worried about Big Sky Country, conservation and public lands. 

Remember this lousy SOB?

(Click here)

Ryan Zinke. How the heck did he get back into government as a U.S. House Rep anyway?

Mr. Zinke took care of himself while Secretary of the Interior and while in the U.S. House he has been taking care of the opponent in this race for US Senator. Has anyone stopped to realize what a tag team they are going to be to assault our public lands?

What’s his name? Tim? Sheehy? Right? Tim Sheehy? 

He’s got lots of money. There is some discussion about the viability of his business though.

But, there is a direct link between his business in Montana and legislation passed to benefit it by Ryan Zinke. Isn’t that right, Tim?

(Click here)

I don’t know what the costs of fighting fires in Tribal areas are like, but, without real research or facts to justify this language in a bill that brought millions rolling into Montana, that is pure unadulterated corruption to benefit Tim who has poured lots of contributions into the Republican Party.

Tim is having a problem defining his position on climate. Why? MAGA. It seems as though when he discusses fires and his business he directly talks about how vital his business is to the climate. I am not going to get into that, but, his campaign seems to have the opposite message.

If the people of the USA are still having problems validating any concern for the climate crisis after witnessing the ravages of the hurricane that has devastated the infrastructure of the Southeast then I don’t know what will prove to them what a climate crisis is.

Senator Jon Tester is an honest man with excellent intentions for Montana and that is a fact by all his work for all Montanans. He is steadfast and isn’t corrupt.

And for crying’ out loud get rid of Zinke. He is known to be trouble. I don’t know what he has up his sleeve but he sent a lot of money to Montana to be sure he goes back to the US House.