Friday, August 23, 2024

“Keeping Families Together”

(Click here)

The link above explains the program which is a step toward “permanency” and not a direct citizenship program.

The Red States, of course, are complaining because it is there big political ploy, but, without corruption at “the court” there is no standing for their legal actions. The “Keeping Families Together” path to permanency is mirrored in already existing immigration law.

“Petition for Alien Finace’(e)” is already law. This new law requires those applying to have already been in the USA for 10 years. 

(Click here for below petition)

Anyone can go to the USCIS website and exam existing programs and know the bellyaching of the Red States is primarily a political red flag and nothing more.

“Keeping Families Together” also provides greater safety to the family involved. Waiting in Mexico for these applicants can be dangerous. Either a legislator understands the deep meaning of marriage and family or they don’t and seek callous means to torture prospective citizens.