Friday, August 23, 2024

Donald Trump is not interested in affordable housing.

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This condo venture will end in bankruptcy as well. Then, as President, he will find some tricky way to access the USA Treasury for a bailout. There simply aren’t that many globe trotting million-billionaires interested in paying $2 million or more for condo with Trump attached to it.

This is a good example of all the mistakes such talentless people have in throwing money at projects they believe will satisfy their greed. There is no real estate development to bring in average people pursuing the American Dream to work and frequent commercial enterprises. Any establishment like this needs labor. It is a much better idea to have a labor force near such enterprises to reassure a consistent interest in filling those jobs. 

Also, there is a “build it and they will come” element that is sure to sink any profitable outcomes. Additionally, there are probably environmental issues that Trump simply plans to steam roll over rather than acting responsibly.

I am sure conversations with the Saudis have inspired the project. “Jarod got his fair share of Saudi wealth, so why can’t Donald.?” Maybe there will be a requirement in the membership of the Saudi golf association to purchase one of Donald’s condos.