Thursday, August 22, 2024

Affordable Housing is Vital

Affordable housing is where the work force of this country lives. Ted Lieu when in support of the President’s priorities is important. The people that line the hallways in Washington, DC matter. 

Kamala will bring competent people to the Presidential cabinet and those that are Deputies to those Cabinet officers. 

I worry about the people in a Trump cabinet. He said he wants to put Musk in a cabinet position. For one, that is quid pro quo. That aside what cabinet position will Musk fill? 

(Click here)

Which one? State? Treasury? Defense? Interior? Agriculture? Labor? Housing? HHS? On wait, what about the EPA? But. The Supreme Court already disarmed that Cabinet position. Hm? Transportation maybe. Sure, let’s all drain the USA Treasury and have transportation to Mars. Maybe Musk can head up Homeland or the CIA. He should come in handy for China and his ambitions with that communist country.

It is not at all a good idea to place billionaires in every position in the Presidential Cabinet. They have their own agenda that does not include the American people.