Saturday, July 20, 2024

There is nothing to know.

(Click here)

I thought I read where the gunman’s father had called the local police about a missing son and missing gun. That was about 100 miles away.

Look, this is the new normal in the USA. A person gets angry about something he picks up a weapon of war and sets out to kill people.

Why should Trump be different than all the other gun violence victims? There is just so much that can be done. Why Las Vegas? Why Buffalo? Why Sandy Hook? Why do any senseless murders happen in the USA?

This was Trump. It gets noticed. How many more murders or shootings happened?

U.S. Conference of Mayors (Click here)

Could additional measures been taken? Sure, there are always measures that can be taken. This 20 year old came out of nowhere. It is time the gun toters reassess where gun ownership is headed besides profits of sales.

If Trump is going to insist on holding outdoor rallies where people are not pre-cleared to attend and magnetometers can’t regulate rooftop assailants, then more will occur. 

Voter registration and encouragement to vote happens at the local level with volunteers that believe in the mission. There are right ways and wrong ways to go about things. If Trump insisted on his way or the highway this is the risk he takes.

My understanding was that the gunman was searching presidential candidates to kill, including President Biden. Why did he settle in Trump? Because Trump was getable.