Saturday, July 20, 2024

So Earth’s moon is made of Swiss Cheese.

(Click here)

It might explain why the Luna Landers are sinking into oblivion and why there are moonquakes that threaten the very satellite that orbits delicately around Earth. 

There is no place in a responsible society for exploration of Earth’s moon experiencing quakes. Recently, NASA scrapped still yet another lunar lander that was supposed to explore for ice there. It was the right thing to do. 

This clearly demonstrates that a spacial void is a very delicate organism that requires much more fact finding than Americans have done. 

Mining Earth’s moon is extremely irresponsible. Moons are not planets and this one orbits our only home. 

The absolute proof of the very delicate nature of space is realized in the ease of NASA to move asteroids to a different trajectory than being on the path to colliding with Earth. It didn’t take a hydrogen bomb to achieve it. Not at all. 

Childhood fantasy needs to be set aside in the stark realty of facts. Venture capitalists have been known to make bad investments and need to eat their losses. Additionally, sacrificing one human life to the solar wind is a gross disrespect for life at all.