Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Fight Club

I just don’t know why.

Everything according to MAGA is a fight. Next to “That’s unfair,” “fight” has to be a staple in their very vocabulary right next to Amen.

Ya see, Trump is constantly surrendering. He surrenders to China, Russia, and North Korea without a doubt. So, where is the fight?

The best I can tell, the MAGA fight is domestic. We are Trump’s enemies. It is the only fight that makes sense. If Orban is your best friend internationally and he is using Trump to dismantle the USA democracy in the name of PEACE, then the fight certainly isn’t an international focus. The Fight Club of JD and DT is about hate and every other American that isn’t MAGA.

(Click here)

Poor Donald. Life is so unfair.

You have got to be joking. Trump described his encounter with a bullet? He is completely self-absorbed. How many people can’t tell their stories about gun violence. At least one fireman can’t. How many people have PTSD because of gun violence? And instead of discussing gun control, he wants to divide the country and inspire violence as he did on January 6th. How deeply does he hate this country?

He wants vengeance against anyone in the near vicinity because he can’t have vengeance against his would be assassin. Tough to fight a dead man.

Trump is dangerous. He beholding to no one. He used all the RNC money to get this point and now he has what he wants. Everyone is willing to lie for him and do what it takes to put him in office. Trump answers to no one from this point on and everyone answers to him. We have a real problem. No one is standing up to him because he is in control and viewed as a sympathetic figure. What a mess he has created.