Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Homophobe Party

Photo; “I am making money for the first time in my life because “Hate Matters.”

(Click here)
I think this is a valid opinion, but, there is a little more to it. 

Vance is no threat to Trump. He is nearly old enough to be president under the constitution. Vance is 39 and the constitution requires 35 years of age. So, from a political standpoint Trump is reaching out to younger generations.

But, Vance is a populous candidate that is mostly wet behind the ears. He is also a social climber, probably from his upbringing , because, “Poor, White, Trash,” as the south calls them will seek to use charisma and sexuality as a method of lifting themselves out of poverty.

However, Vance has a storyline that is mostly notable in the Democratic Party. Hard work, taking education to the level of personal achievement, getting into a profession that mostly allows autonomy in income and financial security, and them wasting no time to move into politics. That is an unusual identity for the golf club/Mar-a-logo types. The RNC is dominated by the elite. So, while, yes, the soul of the USA is on the line this election, this is a paradigm shift for the Republicans, too. 

But, Vance also marketed himself to
The populist he is today and that is attractive to Trump. I would not be surprised if Trump recommended writing that book and making the movie to turn heads in this election. Vance is like the WWF when it comes to voting for the American poor. They have champions, not professions that pay well.

The immaturity of Vance to even qualify as a Vice Presidential candidate is obvious and quite frankly is a worry if such events occur. Vance graduated from Yale, a magnificent university, but, the Yale Grad is more traditionally thought of as a liberal Democrat. The one reason to be a Republican is the potential to a quicker assent to power. A what a quick rise it was.

I sincerely believe he is too immature for the job. He is not qualified to be Vice President, but, neither is Trump to be president, so the two do compliment each other in regard to the voters they attract. I really do believe this pair of candidates are a worry. But, as the opinion below states, they are also racist isolationist that rather destroy the USA since the Mayflower, than relish it.