Saturday, July 27, 2024

The coal cartel is lying to the courts.

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THERE IS NO ENERGY DEFICIT in the USA to continue Republican scorched Earth policies!

Look. The Republicans have done absolutely NOTHING to gather information about carbon sequestration or extracting greenhouse gases from the troposphere to complain against NEW RULES by the EPA that are based in facts since God made little green apples.

I do mean NOTHING, like in DECADES of NOTHING!

And now at the eleventh hour and trying to make campaign fodder to extract money from
the coal cartels the Republicans actually think they have a reason to create greater danger for the citizens of the USA?

Well. After decades of studying the problem if the court throws this to the coal industry then the Roberts’ Court is so corrupt it can’t be trusted or helped anymore.

These exports were passed into law by Republican majorities. Don’t tell me they don’t know they exist.