Saturday, July 27, 2024

The epitome of purposeful dysfunction.

(Click here)

Didn’t the Roberts’ Court just publish new ethical standards and regulations in the Federal Register?

It took 4 and a half years for this court to finally issue a new code of conduct (click here). I am fairly certain it had to be published in the Federal Register as new law, too. If it wasn’t, it should have been. The Supreme Court Code of Conduct is an official USA federal standard and needs to be recorded as such.

I read earlier the January 6th Committee is still taking testimony and that is a good thing, especially for Clarence’s wife, Ginny. It would seem she went before the committee and committed perjury.

She stated there are known errors that occurred in the election of 2020.

Really? And, of course, the errors were so voluminous it through the election to the wrong man, right, Ginny?

We know there was some ballot manipulation in North Carolina by a man that would offer to
help the elderly and handicapped by walking their ballots to be deposited in an awaiting ballot box or office or whatever he was calling an official drop off location. We know along the way he would change the ballot and then submit it to be counted. We know about that one. It didn’t amount to a hill of beans difference.

Now, unless Ginny has an earthshaking reality, other than her own; she should return to the committee, apologize to the American people, President Biden, the January 6th committee, perhaps her own lawyer (who of course would never approve perjury for his client) and get the testimony straightened out where she said the presidential election went to the wrong man.

That is good advice, Ginny, and it is free.

But, in this case it would seem as though Justice Kahan has insight to the lack of enforcement clarity of the new standards. Are all the conservative justices sleep walking through life?