Monday, July 22, 2024

Misogyny will not be tolerated!

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Yes, that is exactly what that is. Nowhere will anyone ever read Keep Calm, Trump headlining an email from “USA Today.”

Memes by the public can be cruel but they don’t need help from a major USA newspaper. Honestly. The last thing I expected today was a slight of Vice President Harris.


Women are not men and they approach communication differently. They tend to be more gregarious and spontaneous. That isn’t going to change because some bozo newsman or newswoman thinks a woman should be more like a man to lead this country.

So, it is a new standard “you all” are going to have to meet to come close to providing the best possible coverage of a magnificent public official.

Kamala Harris has had decades of experience in leading people, making informed and educated decisions, being an advocate, and FINDING justice for those who never thought they would ever see it.

And, by the way, if she starts to find white hairs on her head due to the stress involved in the highest office in the land, she’ll probably have it colored. That is common practice among women, in case no one but Wall Street noticed.