Thursday, July 04, 2024

Democratic Governors

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It is refreshing to see the Democratic Party come together so strongly. It is noteworthy that Democratic Governors have the backing of their state constituencies. These Governors are more than popular political figures, they get the job done. I might add that most of them can handily beat Trump in a national race. That fact is especially true of Pennsylvania Govern Josh Shapiro.

I might add the reaction of the Governors to an aggressive press corp. is a bit alarming. None of these folks are shy when it comes to talking to the press, so an honest reaction by so many of alarm is concerning. I thought the White House Press Corp. were sophisticated and not looking for moments of tabloid journalism. Who is leading the press corp. these days?

I am no flag waver, but, I love this country and see well seasoned politicians, some leaders in the Democratic Party, more worried about the political volatility in the USA than ever before. I think it wise to step back from speculation and be calm at a time when there is danger to our democracy. It is wrong to feed frenzy at this time just to sell the media.

Recently Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated she is concerned for the country while quoting Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor in saying openly she is worried about our democracy. I think both these women are very important to our country and their benevolent world view of the USA.

I believe today is the USA’s 248th birthday. That is two years shy of an entire quarter of a millennium. That is impressive for a country with a strong democracy that is admired by most of the world, including communist countries that try to mimic its economic success and overall power. I also might add, the USA’s benevolence on the world stage is important to many peoples as an anchor to global stability. It is wrong to want to see that radically change as the extremists of the right wing political party in the USA wants to have happen. 

If Democratic Governors can come forward knowing the stakes to the outcome of the 2024 elections stating they have confidence in President Biden and his own self-reflection of needing to be at home with First Lady Jill more rather than be a workaholic than that should carry some brevity.

I remind the Biden family came forward in criticism of some of the President’s staff immediately after the unfortunate debate performance. Such a quick reaction was formulated over time in concern of the President’s work schedule. I know there is much President Biden wants to achieve, but, he can put some of the less demanding goals on the back burner.

I think the party is correct in their alarm over such a poor debate performance by President Biden. But, there are members of the party still worried about the top of the ticket. Those concerns should not be dismissed, but, taken seriously for the best outcome of the country. I have confidence in these magnificent leaders who have received their own problems from the radical right. I think the scare tactics need to stop and the leaders of the party including the President and Vice President dialogue with the people and press about reality and the importance of the best outcome for the country. GENUINE dialogue is paramount to a stable country who has confidence in their choices at the ballot box and NOT FEAR overriding those decisions.

Happy Fourth of July and many more to come.