Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Vote for Joe Biden and Vice President Harris

President Biden has Presidential Orders to secure the borders. Today President Biden has provided an half million immigrants and their children living in this country for at least ten years to achieve their aspirations and stay in this country.

IF he is not re-elected in November all this progress through presidential order will be lost with a change in power in January 2025. The Republican presumptive nominee will counter these orders on the first day of his term. Worse than that, ICE will receive orders to round up all undocumented immigrants and deport them as soon as possible. Such extremist plans will harm the USA economy.

For all people within the USA that are benefiting by the presidency of Joe Biden, GET OUT VOTE for majority legislators as well as the executive branch. The country can’t sustain its current movement forward with a change in the administration. 

GET OUT THE VOTE for Biden/Harris to keep our democracy, economy, its people, and progress in protecting the climate. So much more has to be done on all fronts for our great country.