Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I hate to say this boys and girls, but, this is really bad news.

These are multi-vortex tornadoes. It is more than one multi-vortex tornado, it is a tornado outbreak of multi-vortex tornadoes. The heat in the troposphere is extremely dense. This is Earth's answer. 

How does a hospital sustain damage when it was not a direct hit? Obviously, some flying debris. However in observing this incredibly well done video, the air intake that supports these tornadoes is enormous. EF4 tornadoes, which this is, has a wind speed of 166-200 mph. The air intake to these tornadoes must have felt like a major hurricane besides the destructive forces of the tornado.

The wind turbines did well in a few instances and of course they have to be replaced. A tornado that hits anything oil and gas literally sucks the lousy stuff up into the vortex of the tornado to distribute it far and wide. Below is an example:

June 27, 2013

...Hamra said (click here) there were about 5,000 gallons of crude in one holding tank, but there were only 200 or so gallons on the ground. The force of the tornado likely suctioned the crude and wastewater into the funnel cloud. Hamra and his contract pumper, Doug Briscoe, have repaired five of the eight wells that were damaged. They will begin cleanup on the Morgensen well on Monday....

June 19, 2024

It’s been four weeks (click here) since a deadly tornado tore through Greenfield, damaging parts of the Adair Country Memorial Hospital.

The facility didn’t take a direct hit, but signs of destruction are visible all around. Catherine Hillestad, CEO of the Adair County Health System, said the roof was severely impacted. Inside the hospital, Hillestad says the lab and operating room took the brunt of the damage....

Besides this a month or so ago, today the Atlantic Hurricane season began with a bang with Alberto (click here).