Sunday, June 02, 2024

Israel and the Palestinians have the same problem.

Occupation of Iran’s proxies in Gaza and the resurgence of hostilities and violence.


In 2006 the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) lost its majority in governance to Hamas. Hamas was founded by Ahmed Yassin, a radical Imam. There were conflicts between the two factions and ultimately the PLC won control of the West Bank and the refugee camps, but, Hamas took Gaza. What followed was a terrorist haven sprang up in Gaza which would lead to hate and ultimately the attacks of October 7, 2023.

Hamas was not and is not content being a political party that votes on issues facing the Palestinian people, they demand war with Israel. The only aspect of the political remainder of Palestine that seeks peace is the Palestinian Authority. Gaza cannot be treated as a separate country run by terrorists and Hamas is not trustworthy to govern and that is a proven fact. 

Gaza can never be returned to Hamas. A governance to return peace to Gaza is the only reasonable solution. How many times is Hamas going to be trusted? How many more times will innocent people be killed? 

That is basically the problem both peoples have and I think the Palestinian Authority would agree that the occupation by terrorists exceed the PA’s capacity to repel them. 

The terrorists in Gaza are armed by a sovereign power in Iran that rejects peace in the Middle East. Some of that is due to Iran’s history of an ineffective Shah. But, the Ayatollahs have been in control for decades and what they have created is hatred without any willingness for peace in the Middle East.

In regard to the proposed ceasefire, Hamas is over reaching and Israel knows it.

Hamas must surrender and return the land to people that desire peace and prosperity. Hamas doesn’t care about peace. At all. They preach and reward hatred and killing, no different than the Iranian Ayatollahs. I need to state not all Shi’ite Ayatollahs embrace hatred, killing, and war, but, Iran’s do. 

I might add the Iranians and Iraqis have homelands, but, the Palestinians don’t and the Palestinians have their own government in the Palestinian Authority.

Iran’s occupation of other lands and countries through terrorist proxies is an act of war. Iran is power brokering through religious hatred of other races and religions. Iran and its killing ambitions through proxies must be addressed or otherwise this will occur generation after generation. Iran’s power brokering through proxies is a global threat and not just a bad habit.