Friday, May 24, 2024

The Hague

It would be a more than appropriate time for Israel to voluntarily stop the war in Gaza while it prepares the facts to present to The Hague. Israel needs to overtly show it has the capacity of restraint and compassion.

While the war in Gaza has been a sincere movement to protect Israel’s sovereignty and the lives of its citizens, Israel also needs to prove the overwhelming case for the war. There has never been a doubt Israel has pursued a ceasefire and surrender of Hamas, but, the mood in the world soured due to political propaganda. Israel needs to correct this course, present reality to The Hague, and state the need for a continuance that will lead to far better quality of life for Palestinians void of fear, deprivation, and hunger.

Israel is capable of providing for the security and quality of life for the Palestinians that is grossly neglected by the likes of Hamas. The Hague currently only sees the war and not the future that can be either full of prosperity and peace or more conflict.