Monday, May 20, 2024

I believe the ICC prosecutor is misinformed.

From what I read so far much of the information to the prosecutor is coming from Hamas’ health ministry which has already been proven highly inaccurate. It also appears the prosecutor did not seek information beyond what a very few people provided. The advisors seem to be a bit naive about the combat area and what Israel is facing in securing their country.

There is an idea that seems to pervade understanding that somehow when Israel repelled attacks before it was with bulldozers and this was instead an unnecessary escalation and genocide. That is not a reasonable conclusion.

Israel does not occupy Gaza and the Palestinian Authority has no control because Gaza is occupied by terrorist groups that use the Palestinian people as human shields. There are no Israeli settlers in Gaza. That is by design as a peace treaty under the Late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. So, Hamas has no claim that Israel is an occupier.

I think there needs to be a great deal of clarification to these ideas by the prosecutor and the USA should stand in defense of the victims attacked on October 7th. This is the first time I heard there were soldiers among the civilians targeted. I do not recall any military stance taking place as Hamas brutally attacked Israelis. The soldiers must have been off duty and unarmed. 

There seems to be a great deal of confusion to the prosecutor’s assertions and I am certain the members of the ICC look forward to clarification.