Monday, March 20, 2023

As sad as it is…

 …President Biden is correct to deport Russians seeking asylum. The Russian government is ruthless and even if given asylum, individuals would be threatened as would be their families to act against Americans. The best example is Maria Butina, a benign figure involved with political structures in the USA that elected Donald Trump.

Russia is currently making dual citizenship of Russian citizens nearly a criminal act. Russians are pressured to make choices to ensure their loyalty to Putin. Russians seeking asylum are risking their lives and the lives of their families.

Russians seeking asylum are never adequately protected. Never. There is a trust issue with asylum seeking Russians and it is not their fault. The problem is the Russian government and its long arm of hatred of free nations of people.

It is a very false sense of security for Russians seeking asylum away from Putin. It is best if they find other ways of being safe like refusing to commit genocide.

Russians within the borders of free people is a national security consideration, as if Trump wasn’t enough of one.