Monday, September 26, 2022

Tax Credits

$5.49 and 9/10 per gallon is damaging the Transportation Industry including Independents. The cost of diesel effects truckers (ie: truck demonstrations), bus companies (including casinos that provide transportation to older citizens) AND, AND Farmers. The USA cannot over look the vital part farmers are playing globally. The cost of diesel is exploitive and a money grab.

The alternative to diesel is biodiesel and it should be made a priority along with a sizable diesel tax credit for commercial and agricultural use.

Any energy bill MUST include a hefty tax credit to bring the cost in line with AFFORDABILITY.

Tax credits for the purchase of electrical vehicles is a must. Going forward Americans will be energy independent with electric vehicles from cars, to pickup trucks, to semis. The tax credit should be consistent going forward year after year. Even when one electric vehicle is traded in for a new electric vehicle a tax credit should apply.

FIRST time homeowners need a huge tax incentive beginning now to purchase their new home. This must occur as the edu at credit is provided. All this is exploitation and greed. We need a User Friendly Senate majority that loves Americans and America to being about the end of greed.

US Senate Warnock should address the issue of Football Concussion that does not put the NFL out of business. Also concussion prevention at the educational level, including the youngest age levels of the sport, high school, colleges and universities. His opposition is a sympathetic figure.

US Senator Warnock should have a clear reason why abortion is between a woman and her doctor of which the best reason is the health of the mother. Physicians always try to protect life. Always. That is what they do. In the case of danger to a woman’s health the decision between the baby or woman is not best decided by government.