Monday, August 01, 2022

The Rolls of Honor

Russia has now banned 255 prominent Britons (click here) since it invaded Ukraine in Feb

I am sure there are plenty of Americans banned, too. No one should plan a trip to communist Russia without knowing "individual enemy status." I read an article the other day saying the Russian elite have alternative places in the world to live if Russia falls to another power. I have a lot of pause over that point of view.

Why would the elite think Russia will ever be invaded? 

Are alternative residence away from Russia a matter of being out of reach of the Russian communist gestapo, when a super yacht is seized?

Where do Russians get the idea that any other country is remotely interested in an invasion of Russia? Seriously. Russia is a wasteland of nuclear contamination, why would a reasonable person even consider it?

Russia makes the assumption they need nukes to keep Russia Russian. NOT A PROBLEM!

The Free World has nuclear armaments to protect from communist invasion, the communists sincerely don't have that worry.

Denuclearization of the world should proceed with vigor.


There doesn't have to be good will between countries. There just needs to be polls globally for the communists to realize they have their countries to themselves. That is all that is needed. The USA is currently doing it's level best to beat back autocrats in the government. We offered good will within our election system that allowed Christian nationalism to flourish. We aren't interested in living under autocrats, China should smile at that quality of the Free World.

"Wheel of Fortune" is not giving away trips to Siberia, okay? There are absolutely no cruise lines going to the Russian Arctic Circle because everything living is dying there.

Putin came out stating the USA is Russia's greatest enemy. I would like to know why, because, I don't know anyone that wants to live under communist Putin. It isn't the Free World trying to convert the communists, it is the communists trying to convert the Free World. Communism must breed a persecution complex. 


The capitalism Nixon brought is what caused the mental health problems with these guys. There is this "thing" with capitalism that is very democratic, it is called free choice. Free choice is a direct assault on communism as it makes it's way through the society and government elections aren't real.

Got to be. Then there is Khrushcheva. But, his great - granddaughter had enough of him, too. Please notice the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushcheva is on the program "Democracy Now."

The people of the Free World do not want regime change. Just contain Russia. Russians are welcome to keep their country. I never saw Russia as the 51st star on the USA flag.