Sunday, July 31, 2022

Christian nationalism is a political movement as old as man himself.

Christian nationalism is power. It pretends to portray an honest and honorable form of politics that in reality is destroying democracy.

The wall separating church and state was assaulted by the administration of George W. Bush, the former governor of Texas. 

Call it "The Poisoning of American Politics" also known as how to make a loser, a winner.

I don't think we can overstate this mobilization of the individual churches. (click here) Never happened before. Vast sort of untapped source of political energy in this country. The evangelicals didn't just come on board for him: They were campaigning; they were at the events; they were the poll volunteers; they were making the phone banks, the phone calls. You know, that's how you win elections. It was good old grassroots, door-knocking politics, but they tapped this group and organized it in a way that just had never been done to that extent before.

Religious conservatives, if they wanted to get into politics, [used to get] involved with Ralph Reed and his Christian Coalition. No more. You're doing it right through your church. The Christian Coalition had no important effect on this election at all. It was all about your local Christian church. That turned out to be the rallying point....

Republicans were finding a new base with the help of Karl Rove, "Bush's Brain." All the Republicans wanted to know is how to keep them as their base, hence, Christian nationalism raises it's ugly head again.

The USA needs to regain it's balance and rebuild the wall. It has been successfully assaulted by Supreme Court Judges put in place by the Federalist Society that has invested well into Republican candidates.

The Federalist Society and any other Special Interest Group with lots of money to buy candidates that will practice Quid Pro Quo will be provided a place in Republican politics with absolutely no regard to the USA Constitution. 

Interestingly, the changes in the USA regarding the wall separating church and state took place after September 11, 2001 and the wrongful invasion into Iraq. The country was in a very unusual mood back then. The American people were wounded. They basically didn't pay attention to issues of God. There were angels everywhere, even on the Victorian Secret runway. It was a very strange time. But, it was at this time the Christian Conservative judiciary took advantage of that odd mood and plowed into the separation of church and state. It is up to the people of the American people to take back their country in November 2022. They have to do this before it becomes so ridiculously corrupt.

The history that took down the wall between church and states is only about two decades old. It is not too late.