Sunday, February 06, 2022

The American people are used to a free and mostly trustworthy press.

That, however, is not the way of the world with enemy countries like Russia and/or China. I mean China assaulted a Dutch journalist at the Olympics of all places. This is not decent or behavior of a super power that should be tolerated. Communists by nature use propaganda within their practices of governance all the time. I might add it is used in diplomatic relations all the time and at the United Nations.

Flashback to 2001: (click here) At a press conference after their first meeting, President George W. Bush famously says he got a sense of Vladimir Putin’s soul.

One has to consider the degree at which Vladimir Putin completely disregards his own signature on documents intended to bring about peace. In the case of Ukraine, there are multiple documents and agreements that overshadow the aggression Russia has displayed in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and his ambitions to take Kiev. It is clear that Putin is not an honorable representative of his government if he can't live up to existing agreements. He manufactures his dialogue as he proceeds with aggression. 

February 6, 2022
By Robert Burns

Russia has assembled at least 70 percent of the military firepower (click here) it likely intends to have in place by mid-month to give President Vladimir Putin the option of launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, U.S. officials say.

The officials, who discussed internal assessments of the Russian buildup on condition they not be identified, sketched out a series of indicators suggesting Putin intends an invasion in coming weeks, although the size and scale are unclear. They stressed that a diplomatic solution appears to remain possible.

Among those military indicators: an exercise of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces that usually is held each fall was rescheduled for mid-February to March. That coincides with what U.S. officials see as the most likely window for invasion. The officials made no suggestion that a prospective conflict would involve the use of nuclear weapons, but the Russian exercise — likely involving the test-launching of unarmed long-range missiles on Russian territory — could be used as a message aimed at deterring the West from intervening in Ukraine....

Thinking back to the abandonment of the Ukriane presidency by Viktor Yanukovych, the invasion into Crimea was well executed with plans to carry it out. Russian leadership, especially that of Putin, dates back to the USSR. There is no reason to believe the communists are going to change their posture. Russian communists make long term plans. This build up at the Ukriane border with Russia has been long in coming. It has been ongoing since 2014. That is not a minor fact, it is a method of bring about an ambition for Putin's priority for more conflict at the Russian western border with any country he cares to engage.

No different than the nuclear exercises of Russia being postponed to enhance it's message to The West. And the idea they won't be exercises necessarily, only brings with it an opportunity for Putin to declare war on The West if Putin detects any nuclear activity opposing his so called exercises. Quite frankly, The West should be matching Russia's nuclear exercises at the same time.