Saturday, January 08, 2022

The last we heard about the great Peng Shuai was three weeks ago.

December 20, 2021
By Bindu Bansinath

On the courts, (click here) 35-year-old Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai is a tour de force. She’s a three-time Olympian who has won 25 tour titles over the course of her career, and her trailblazing success has helped to propel women’s tennis to new heights in China. Then, this November, she disappeared....

I think everyone who cares about citizens from communist countries needs to take a step back from promoting activism with them. The West is getting it's feet wet with "Me, Too." That movement has been very successful even in places like India. But, this episode with Peng Shuai should remind Western activists dynamics that permit Western women to speak out and demand their respect and rights to their own bodies without mutilation of any kind, sincerely is asking for trouble when it pertains to countries such as China and Russia that silence their opposition with prison or worse.

I sincerely hope Peng Shuai is doing well and enjoying the sport of tennis within any hometown she may be living right now.

I am worried that taking the spot light off her will result in her complete disappearance or worse.

Is it better to remain silent or should we be asking to see her in public again?

I doubt she will ever be allowed to compete internationally again because China doesn't want to risk the potential of her receiving asylum and playing tennis for a democracy.