Monday, January 11, 2021

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline is a national security issue.

One of the reasons Donald John Trump vetoed the USA Defense Bill, which the Congress handily instituted an override, was due to the listing of the Russian pipeline to Europe within the bill. I believe a Dutch company has pulled its pipe laying ship from the project.

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline from Russia to Germany is a threat to NATO. It is now listed in Russian sanctions.

Trump will sell out his country to Russian interests in a heartbeat because he fears Putin.

At any rate, Russia so much wants a hideously long gas pipeline to Europe it sent its own pipe laying ship to continue the job. See, that is how Russia ropes in capitalism based Western countries, it promises jobs in exchange for power. Or, better said, perceived power. Ask Moscow Mitch McConnell who is afraid of Trump, hence, afraid of Russia.

But, to finish the story, Russia is so desperate to finish this pipeline and throw a lasso around Europe for energy dependence the ship it sent had to sail half way around the world in order to get there.

The USA rather send its own LNG to Europe. The problem there is in a time of war the LNG ships will require their own naval fleet. But, Europe would be cut off from Russian gas if a conflict broke out anyway. Europe must become energy independent through alternative energies. Truly.

But, this pipeline is noteworthy when considering national security priorities. See, Trump really wanted to sabotage the USA democracy for a communist dictatorship. There is no doubt.

His world view is completely toxic to freedom, liberty, democracy, and ultimately capitalism. Russia’s oligarchs are owned by the state, not free enterprise. The same is true of China. Why Wall Street mourns Democrats in the federal legislature is ridiculous unless of course one lives with bubble and bust rather than real investment.

Curious, other than the jobs and a Dutch pipeline ship contract, Gazprom is the only real interest making money out of THE DEAL, in the long view. I mean Gazprom pays a dividend once a year and the last paid out was a little over 1500 Russian Rubles (20.00 US). Difficult to get bubble and bust out of that.

The reason Wall Street likes the idea of HAVING Russia, but more the case, China the idea of “ growth.” Adding consumers in the way of a billion. Similar to India. And then there is cheap labor, of course. It isn’t at all about improving anyone’s quality of life, including Americans, it is just about high dividends and CEO bonuses. Not much of that now that Trump’s paradigm has killed hundreds of thousands and infected millions.

So. Nord Stream 2 is now sanctioned as a national security issue. Unfortunately, Trump never saw it that way. I think that would have been the second presidential debate. The REAL second one.

Nancy is correct, the 25th Amendment is in order. Seriously.