Monday, January 11, 2021

It is only because..,

 ...some big money came to Ted Cruz’s campaign during the final weeks of the Senate run against Beto O’Rourke that brought him victory. It is that arrogant now with Republicans. The big money splurge at the end will take care of everything.

But, with the insurrection and Cruz’s endorsement stating he knows what the people of Texas need; he is very wrong. 

These last weeks while Cruz was celebrating extremists, West Texas otherwise known as The Permian by residents (The Permian has no Zip Code, by the way. It is a rock formation. To be completely correct it isn’t so much a rock formation except by oil barrons. The Permian is a point in the timeline of Earth’s history. The correct definition is Permian-Triassic. To add complete context it is correctly stated as the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event. The oil geologists leave out the extinction part because it is less romantic than wealth.) was  dealing with a different extremism. They were first inundated by rain only to have a COLLAPSED Polar Vortex deliver snow and ice. I think it was upwards of six inches. Their news isn’t so much about radical extremism in DC. Their attention rarely left their plight in the latest installment of the Climate Crisis.


When Ted Cruz states he knows what Texans want, he actually has no clue. Everyone can now call him, “Out of Touch Ted.”