Monday, December 27, 2021

The real danger with the decision regarding Project Veritas is it's anti-democracy precedent.

"Project Veritas" is an organization involved in seeking legal opinions so it can TAYLOR it's work to appear to be legitimate. That form of advise is illegal. Lawyers are not suppose to give opinion on how to break the law so that there is a minor fraction of truth and protection to lies, deceit and political danger to this democracy.

Currently, the January 6th Committee is engaged in exposing the truth regarding the impetus of persons of power and how a gathering of protesters in Washington, DC turned into a stolen mob first attending a rally with Donald John Trump. If such hidden lies by lawyers are allowed to stand, it could cause problems for the January 6th Committee in that lawyers abound in Trump's world to do exactly what Veritas' lawyers do in advising on how to effectively break the law.

The Rule of Law is how the USA governs itself. If that is polluted by liars and theives the American people can lose their democracy and find themselves in a cesspool of violent authority know to be the result of dictatorships.

The decision regarding "Project Veritas" is completely and utterly wrong. It protects dangereous criminals engaged in upholding at the very least organized crime and it's pursuit for political power. The decision must be overturned, but, the correct dialogue in that needs to be made clear; Project Veritas is not a journalism enterprise, it is a political enterprise masquerading as a news organization.

At the very least, at this point, Project Veritas lawyers need to be investigated and reviewed by New York State lawyers' associations. The type of lawyering they perform is not protected by Client Priviledge.