Thursday, December 02, 2021

A fetus is not a citizen. The Republicans are destroying the lives of women.

Women in the USA have great potential that benefits our laws and our economy. Currently, women seeking to be part of government, on the average, enter into that potential ten years behind men simply because they are pregnant and raising a family.

First abortion will be 14 weeks and then it will be six and then abortion will be outlawed plunging women into prison to obtain their infants. (ie: The then Cheyenne Kupper (a practicing Wiccan) vs New Hanover County DSS) DSS won by threatening to remove all future pregnancies from her should she take the full length of time to fight their power. The babies were harvested and given to a childless couple that was expecting Cheyenne to go to prison for 30 years for human traffiking. The supposed woman being traffiked went to the father's attorney to state there was no traffiking that occured as she was homeless and they gave her shelter and a job helping in the household. Cheyenne wasn't guilty, achieved that status through a plea agreement in order to attempt to be with her children for the rest of her life and ultimately lost all of them because of the threat from New Hanover County DSS. The assistant prosecutor handling the case was running for office and gained notoriety through the arrests.

They absolutely threatened her against the fate of future pregnancies. When a government worker who is responsible for the well being of a woman's children while she is fighting to have them back, tell that woman she will never have custody of children again, there is more than the threat taking place, there is a deep, abiding fear of the "judicial system" that takes over and complete demoralization of a person just experiencing injustice and prison becomes a new reality to the power over her and the faith she has known from when she was a child. This taking of the twin (one boy and one girl) infants was religious bigotry and the desire for employees of a county agency to keep their jobs otherwise lose faith in their ability to place infants with families enrolled in the Foster Parent to Custodial Parent program.

There is systemic government abuse now, just imagine it when the Supreme Court tells a woman what she can do with her body.

December 1, 2021

Very cute, the Supreme Court with the only female justice in history at that point, was the radicalized political court, according to Chief Justice Cruz.

SEN. TED CRUZ: (click here) "Well, listen, unfortunately with the left, when it comes to abortion, they’ve gotten more and more radical. You see that with the questioning of Justice Sotomayor, where she is suggesting that to protect a life is somehow taking a religious view. For most of human history, life has been protected. And if you look at where the court really started to go wrong, the 1973 decision of Roe v. Wade started the Supreme Court down this very dangerous road of being deeply, deeply politicized. What the justices said in Roe is, ‘You silly voters, you don’t have a right to make any decisions regulating abortions. It doesn’t matter what you may vote to do, what your citizens vote to do…We nine unelected judges are going t decree the rules for you."

...Women’s health and women’s reproductive health (click here) are high priorities for CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health. Our goal is to improve women’s health from menarche through menopause. CDC/DRH activities focus primarily on research about the following: Contraception (birth control), Depression, Hysterectomy, Female Genital Mutiliation/Cutting, Infertility and Menopause.
