Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Estranged Americans

There are Americans within the borders of the USA that are estranged from their democracy. This is a purposeful estangement to benefit a disgraced former president.

There have always been differences between political parties in the USA, but, this is different. This is an extremist wing of a once trusted Republican Party. The new estrangement of Americans is sustained by the promise of a majority of Republicans in 2022 and then re-election of the disgraced president in 2024. This estangement isn't even based in disappointed politics, it is based in violence.

It is getting scary and this estrangement force likes that idea of "being scared." "Where is your gun?", because, the political figures engaged in this estrangement believes strongly there needs to be a civil war that ends the USA Constitution. The estranging force is racism and has been engaged in larger and growing measure since the election of 2000 that lead to the ultimate defeat of "The Voting Rights Act of 1965." Now, today, after the Supreme Court declaring money as a citizen our democracy is hanging in the balance. If on January 6th the gallows at the US Capitol had no other meaning, it certainly symbolized the desire of the crowd to hang the USA Constitution an kill it to its very roots. 

The picture above says it all. The democracy was assaulted on January 6th  by the very Americans that are estranged from the democracy for the purpose of obtaining the power of this government and economy. The USA has enormous power and that is what is at stake come 2022 and 2024. The people involved in this estrangement exercise are very guilty of turning against this USA Constitution.

Americans are being lead in the wrong direction by very powerful people. They are lead to believe if they stub their toe on the way to pay their taxes it is the government's fault and there should be insurrection and revolt. That is not a matter of choice, although they believe it is. There will be no revolt of the USA Constitution. I mean give me a break. Even the Christmas decorations are hated. This is an assault against the dignity of the people of this country and it is a crime against the US Constitution.