Sunday, October 24, 2021

Innovation after innovation comes with practicing the physics over time. On the should of giants come new methods.

October 21, 2021
By Chris Young

Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems (click here) developed a floating offshore wind power system that generates energy at a much more affordable rate than traditional wind turbines, thanks to efficiency gains built-in through clever engineering.

The system, dubbed the Windcatcher, can truly "unleash the power of offshore wind," Daniel Engelhart-Willoch, VP of Industry and Government Affairs at Wind Catching tells us over an email exchange.

Describing the benefits of the Windcatcher, Engelhart-Willoch says "the main highlights are that we aim to dramatically slash costs for floating wind, and that we use about 20 percent of the ocean acreage for the same electricity generation as a single-turbine 15 MW floater."...