Sunday, June 27, 2021

Foreign influence in the USA.

There is an awful lot of backing of Russia by the right-wing in the Republican Party. What is so telling is that while Moscow Mitch welcomes oligarchs (wealthy Russians) with open arms he hates the so-called Super-Wealthy in the USA.

It is a FOX News thing to try to make a new hysteria of wealthy Americans to distract from the corporations that now receive free rides on taxes. FOX doesn't expose the corporations that are not paying a dime of tax, only wealthy Americans. 

By Brooke Singman

Exclusive: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (click here) and Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Mike Crapo are demanding the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the disclosure of confidential tax information of some of the country’s wealthiest taxpayers.

They're insisting those responsible be prosecuted and "punished to the furthest extent the law permits."

Fox News obtained the letter McConnell, Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Crapo, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, after a ProPublica report revealed what it called the low "true tax rate" in the U.S. paid by the world's wealthiest people, such as Warren Buffett (0.1%), Jeff Bezos (0.98%), and Elon Musk (3.27%)....

These folks are mostly known to be Democrats to the public. Of course, there are no Republicans that are wealthy enough to be scrutinized by Moscow Mitch and his minions.