Sunday, May 23, 2021

I told you so.

May 20, 2021
By Natalie O'Neill

Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that the public is confused (click here) about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new guidance allowing vaccinated Americans to go mask-free in most places — saying people aren’t reading the advice carefully enough.

“I think people are misinterpreting, thinking that this is a removal of a mask mandate for everyone. It’s not,” he said in an interview with Axios Wednesday. “It’s an assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors.”

The nation’s top infectious disease expert said many people erroneously believe that everyone is free to ditch the face covers because they didn’t read the new advice properly....

I think Chicago Teachers are awesome. The last time I checked, the little guys and girls are not going back to the classroom until they are vaccinated. Awesome stuff.


It is always a big deal. We, as a society are concerned, if the office we spend so much time in is safe and there are no toxins lurking about. We have an FDA to make sure what we are eating and drinking is safe. An EPA to look into all the pollutants we are exposed to and also more abstract toxins such as Greenhouse Gases that on their face seem all to innocent until we take a look at the troposphere and now the STRATOSPHERE. 

So, this entire mess with the coronavirus is simply out of character for the USA. But, could it be because the character of the White House was so insulting to us all. "Morons Making Money" are the only crowd still willing to stand with a former president that should have been removed from office BEFORE JANUARY 6, 2021. 

For all the deaths, was it worth having the latest in vaccines put on the front burner, mRNA to the rescue. I am glad the vaccines were perfected, but, not considering the many and profoundly minority deaths that occurred. There were two in my family. Is there anyone in the USA that wasn't touched in some way by that monstrous virus?

But, INDOOR AIR QUALITY, is the issue with masks. Large crowds in open-air gatherings are also an issue. Everyone demonstrating for some sort of human right out there needs to still wear masks. We are still protecting the OTHER GUY. I go to Planet Fitness nearly every day unless life throws me a curve ball. There is definitely a change in the number of people wearing masks since this announcement. Dr. Fauci needs to be very public about the misinterpretation of the mask mandate.

Speaker Pelosi appeared in another non-story this week when FOX News used her in a meeting with many other people, I think most were Democrats, not wearing masks. So, what? It isn't as though the curvy couch every put masks on daily. What is the point? People in glass houses......

But, to be honest, now that the country is taking a breath of relief and put their masks away, I don't think they are going to put them on real soon again. There was even an article in the New York Times as to what to do with them not that they are no longer needed. Businesses should take down the announcement that masks are no longer necessary if a person is fully vaccinated. That is grossly inaccurate and die-hards like me, even though I am protected, still wear them.

It would be best if Dr. Fauci makes it clear in a very public statement that close encounters and indoor air quality can still be an issue that requires mask wearing.