Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Scientific findings MUST be disclosed by the scientific community as they know the facts.

December 21, 2020
By David Gutman

Gov. Jay Inslee on Monday (click here) announced new travel restrictions for people arriving from the United Kingdom, South Africa and other nations where a new variant of the novel coronavirus has been reported.

I told you it just wasn't in the UK. It existed from September. Give me a break. If the people in government can't do better than this, how do they expect citizens to believe them?

Early estimates indicate that the new mutation of the virus, while not more deadly or vaccine resistant, spreads faster and more easily than prior strains. There is not yet evidence of this new strain of the virus in the United States, but Inslee said it was crucial to act early, “before the horse is out of the barn.”

Inslee’s new proclamation requires anyone arriving in Washington from those countries within the last 14 days to quarantine for 14 days — and the restriction applies to those who have recently arrived. It also urges those people to get tested for the virus.

The quarantine is mandatory and legally enforceable, but the state is not likely to take many enforcement measures, Inslee said....