Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Physical labor during the COVID-19 CRISIS is not an option. ISOLATION is the only answer.

November 13, 2020
By Ben Winck

Congress's critical support (click here) for unemployed Americans expired just as US coronavirus cases surged in a daunting second wave.

The $2.2 trillion CARES Act is widely praised for buoying small businesses, households, and struggling sectors through the first months of the pandemic. The package also included critical aid for jobless Americans in direct relief payments and a $600-per-week expansion to unemployment benefits.

The unprecedented amount of fiscal support fueled a sharp initial rebound in economic activity, hiring, and consumer spending. Yet enhanced unemployment benefits ended in July, leaving jobless Americans with considerably less financial aid. Businesses were also forced to reopen as emergency relief loans dried up.

And just as the stimulus programs expired, a second wave of coronavirus cases emerged in the US. Economic reopening brought quarantined Americans back outside, and continued hiring pulled the unemployment rate lower through the summer....

This reflects the gross mismanagement of the Trump administration. July 23, 2020, was supposed to mean something. It was supposed to end the danger to Americans by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That didn't occur because Trump insisted the virus was a hoax. People have died because of the ranting madness of Donald John Trump. The most well known political figure that died because of Trump's madness is Herman Cain. Trump killed him at Cain's presence at his rally. 

The American people need a competent leader not one willing to gamble with their lives.

The growing number of people contracting the virus and the end of the economic support by Congress is no coincidence. The skyrocketing number of victims to this virus is directly related to the lack of Congressional support of the American people during an impossible time because of the lousy Republican president in the White House.