Sunday, October 25, 2020

Vote by mail protects the vote no matter the reasons, pandemic or climate crisis.

October 22, 2020
By Sarah Kaplan

By many measures, (click here) 2020 has been disastrous. Hurricanes in the Atlantic are so numerous that there are not enough letters in the Latin alphabet to name them all. Fires in California torched more than 4 million acres, smashing the state’s record for land burned in a single season. In the first nine months of this year, at least 188 people have been killed in a record-tying 16 weather disasters that cost $1 billion or more. The nation now spends almost 10 times as much responding to and recovering from natural events as it did in the 1980s. And that’s just the United States. Don’t forget the bush fires in Australia, floods in Central Africa and the powerful Cyclone Amphan, which killed dozens of people in India and Bangladesh....

If facing tragedies that have run rampant across the USA this year, I am sure the Secretary of State will have a solution to allow voting. If not, call the closest chapter of the DNC and if they can't answer questions, I am confident they will find out.