Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thomas and Alito

Last week the two associate justices let it slip, quite intentionally, that they didn't like the ruling on same sex marriage (click here). They have been fantasizing about the Minority Rule becoming Majority Rule. I think with Comey-Barrett on the court the five so-called conservative justices other than Roberts will rule together on every case to turn the USA into a banana republic. They actually are planning on infusing their particular belief systems into law. It will become a theocracy. And why? Because they believe Christians should have a nation that only upholds Chrisitan values and the USA is the nation they most covet. 

Minority Rule over taking Majority Rule and turning the USA Constitution into the Bible. 

Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion. The USA recognizes all of it's citizens and not just the 70 percent Christians.

See, the Federalist Society judges, with the exception of the Chief Justice, believes 70 percent is the majority of the USA population are Christians, therefore, the Majority Rule. That simpleton idea is as stupid and wrong as it comes. Under these judges, the USA will become Iran when it comes to women and children. It will be the most stupid precedent that will exist until it is legislated otherwise.

To be clear, 70 percent of the USA population that are Christians do so because the USA Constitution allows it. That does not mean their religion is the official religion of the USA and all Supreme Court decisions hinge on it. 

That is what this is. Judicial malpractice. Nowhere in the USA Consitution does it assign Christian morality to every aspect of the culture or society of the USA. Actually, it is the complete opposite when it comes to liberty and freedom. The Federalist Society judges are overthrowing the USA Constitution and making it into their own little theocracy.