Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Republican Party plays the American people like a fine tuned fiddle.

When the American people are told to fear and jump, they ask how high. There is always fear peddled by Republicans and this is exactly why and it worked for the 2016 race against Clinton. A simple statement by Comey shortly before election day the reaction by the American people was palpable. Why? Because they are preprogrammed to fear life itself. It doesn't matter if it is terrorists or school shootings the American people are primed to react to alarming information.

This attack against Hunter and Joe Biden is a planned assault. No one makes a movie to defame on the happenstance of the DISCOVERY of a laptop. This was manipulated to FIT THE PURPOSE OF A MOVIE to promote the Republicans. This is just found in the right-wing media. Hence. Fear the Deep State the right-wing media is the only trustworthy liars.

My, my it isn't about Ukraine, but, China that Trump has spewed hate at since before he took office. It is my understanding the laptop was examined by the FBI last November 2019.

...FBI paperwork (click here) also shows that shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac received a subpoena to testify before the US District Court in Delaware in December 2019

This is nothing, except, the right-wing media willingness to overthrow the USA government for their own purposes. This is all old news. Manipulation, manipulation, manipulation. 

CURRENTLY, the FBI is looking into the fact the magazine involved may be guilty of supporting a Russian propaganda campaign.

As Election Day nears, (click here) President Donald Trump and his supporters are urging greater scrutiny of Hunter Biden, the son of his opponent, Democratic nominee Joe Biden. They’re especially focusing on the younger Biden’s ties to China.

"Joe Biden must immediately release all emails, meetings, phone calls, transcripts, and records related to his involvement in his family’s business dealings and influence peddling around the world—including in CHINA!" Trump tweeted on Oct. 14. His campaign also ran an ad that said, "The question is not why Hunter Biden used his name to get these gigs. It’s why Joe Biden let him do it."

This line of attack against Biden is crystallized in a new documentary distributed by TheBlaze, (Glen Beck) a conservative media site, and featuring the conservative author Peter Schweizer....

If I read my Trumps right, Thursday night will be a loud cry about "the Deep State," regardless of there being no deep state.

The FBI already determined there was no law broken by the Bidens.

There is no Deep State and there is no scandal here!