Monday, October 05, 2020

Donald John Trump has no right to tell anyone how to think about SARS-CoV-2 and the impact on their lives.

This is the isolation room (click here) that Americans are trading to when they treat SARS-CoV-2 as if "just the flu."

The virus is a killer. Donald Trump was provided the absolute best medicine and care this country provides. Not all Americans have that level of care or medication available to them.

Besides that, we know the impact of SARS-CoV-2 is very much territorial. Cities, where demographics are a higher number of people per square mile, has higher numbers falling ill to this virus.

Americans must take recommendations of their doctors seriously, including masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene. This is not an amateur sport whereby the participants make their own decisions. This is not about government oppression of American liberties. This is a very dangerous virus that kills people. Every American contributes to this democracy and everyone is important. They need to take care of themselves and participate.

Most Americans don't realize that when there are decisions to make about opening up the economy it is not based on the safety from contracting the virus, it is about the ability of a region to react to citizen's needs for care, medications, and hospitalization. When a governor states the society is open to a meeting of 10 people in a group, it means that if a group of people is exposed to SARS-CoV-2 the hospitals available to them are able to handle their illnesses. Put in different words, it means there are sufficient medical beds.

Not all these recommendations are limited to hospital availability, it also includes the density an area has of COVID-19 cases. If there is an increase in COVID-19 cases that continues to increase there must be a limit to the exposure by the people to the virus to stop the spread.

Finally, Donald John Trump has been lying about everything. There is no reason for any American to believe him about dismissing COVID-19 as a minor illness.

Everyone is facing potential danger with this virus. We have seen young people succumb to this virus. That is not a minor issue. Everyone needs to think through the protections they take in their lives to prevent infection of this virus. Everyone should be respected for the decisions they make without pressure to make decisions differently.

Donald John Trump has broken the law in New Jersey when it comes to the gathering of people. The maximum number of people in an indoor room is 25. Trump had 200 people at a gathering in Bedminister, New Jersey. In realizing the limit on gatherings is 25, he clearly put all 200 people in danger because if they all become ill, which they might, it exceeds the capacity of the local health care system. THAT IS JUST PLAIN DANGEROUS AND COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE TO THE PEOPLE ATTENDING THAT FUNDRAISER.

A fundraiser that is political is allowed 150 people or 25% of the capacity of a room WHICHEVER IS LOWER. There is no excuse for this level of recklessness except arrogance. Arrogance did not protect Trump from SARS-CoV-2. The attendees should have asked what the limit is in attendance and whether it legally meets those limits of people in attendance. Money, power, and privilege is not a barrier to this virus. Obviously.

Indoor Gatherings (click here)

  • General indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people or 25% of a room's capacity -- whichever number is lower. All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six feet apart.
  • Indoor gatherings for weddings, funerals, or memorial services must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity -- whichever number is lower.
  • Indoor gatherings for religious and political activities protected under the First Amendment must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity -- whichever number is lower.
  • Indoor gatherings for entertainment centers where performances are viewed or given, including movie theaters, performing arts centers, and other concert venues, must be limited to 150 people or 25% of a room's capacity -- whichever number is lower.