Monday, October 05, 2020

Oxygen levels

I will put it this way, normal is considered greater than 95 percent blood saturation measured by a pulse oximeter. There are Americans that have chronic lung disease like COPD (chronic obstructive lung disease) from smoking cigarettes that live on continuous oxygen flow from an oxygen condenser. Their oxygen saturation can be as low as 89 percent on a pulse oximeter, however, they are considered permanently disabled and are not making executive decisions.

Transient oxygenation problems as experienced with SARS-CoV-2 are very serious. Any patient, including the president of this country, needs to recognize the severity of that COMPROMISED state of wellness and rest while responsibly allowing decision making to other competent and trustworthy people.

Receiving serious drug treatment to successfully conquer COVID-19 is alone an indication to reassign responsibility to the Vice President. Anything short of that by the Cabinet is a compromise to the national security of this country. That does not mean that a fully recovered president cannot return to his duties to this country.

Pretending the president is not compromised is further imperiling his life and the country’s security. In the USA, anyone can legally refuse treatment and doctor’s orders. Refusing to accept doctors' orders and recommendations, as a president of the USA, is a dereliction of duty.

It is my opinion that in order to carry out his tour of citizens at the gate of the hospital complex Trump checked out of the hospital and then voluntarily returned to the doctor's care. I don't know any hospital or professional staff that would willingly compromise the public safety or the patient's well being by allowing such a stunt.

Trump wants to return to the White House while continuing his treatment. That is not fully recovered. The American people deserve better treatment than the president gives himself.